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Bill Clinton And Monica Lewinsky Political Science Essay Topics
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Schools of Strategic Management Thought Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Schools of Strategic Management Thought - Essay Example The key quality of the Environmental School of Strategic Management Thought is that business is considered as firmly relied upon its condition †being not able, as it were, to take activities that would bolster its different exercises. As per Sadler (2003) the particular School of Strategic Management Thought depends on the possibility hypothesis. In this unique circumstance, it is noticed that organizations that are impacted by the Environmental School of Strategic Management Thought have the accompanying qualities: a) their key choices are probably going to be affected by the authoritative condition, b) all organization’s choices and exercises should be lined up with nature, c) the pioneers of these associations don't have capacity to act freely; rather they should concentrate on recognizing the states of the hierarchical condition and guarantee the arrangement of the business choices with these conditions, d) organizations that observe the principles of the particular S chool of Strategic Management Thought are at last gotten unfit to keep their personality and to understand their objectives; this outcome to the slow loss of the intensity of the association to confront the ecological conditions †which are probably going to get unfriendly; in the long haul, this wonder could lead the association to stop its tasks. As per Matthews (2005) the Environmental School of Strategic Management Thought depends on ‘strategy arrangement as a responsive process’ (Matthews, 2005, p.29).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Report on Akbar Padamsee Essays
A Report on Akbar Padamsee Essays A Report on Akbar Padamsee Paper A Report on Akbar Padamsee Paper Akbar Padamsee: Thinking through Art A Report Santa Glaundia Akbar Padamsee: Thinking through Art July 2013 Though fastidious in his technique, ace colourist Akbar Padamsees drawings and artistic creations throb with pounding vitality. This is a craftsman whose work ranges from the figure to non-figuration; for Padamsee it not the arrangement of his work which is important, yet rather its associations with structure, volume, space, time, and shading. He is intensely mindful of each brush stroke; the procedure of creation is one of examination and explanation of considerations and thoughts. The principle aim of craftsmanship for him is the enquiry, a perspective, a method of incorporating himself. Padamsees spearheading soul has permitted him to try different things with a wide scope of mediums: the range of the customary ones to his ongoing tests with photography and advanced printmaking. Whatever his picked medium, the craftsman passes on an order over space, structure and shading. Despite the fact that he is most popular as a painter, Padamsee has tried different things with film-production, model, and composing as a craftsmanship pundit also. His proper instruction was in the expressive arts Padamsee moved on from the Sir J. J. School of Art in 1940, with a confirmation in painting and arrangement of figure classes behind him. An ex-teacher from the school depicts him as a highborn scholarly, detached from the standard hurly-brawny of the school, indicating an uncommon reality and ability to read a compass craftsman. The most recognizable works from his broad oeuvre are the metascapes and mirror metascapes are an advancement from scenes. As the prominent pundit watches, A sexy quickness and endless remoteness, these structure the argumentative antitheses in Akbars way to deal with nature; the combination and erosion, the nterpenetrating vitality of the characteristic components interestingly with their entranced look. It is a fascinating antithesis, however there is no orderly riddle. Akbars scenes are not strange. In the event that they now and then show up along these lines, it is on the grounds that conflicting perspectives have been combined. l The identical representations show his anxiety with the duality of presence, of structure and space. He accepts that articulation must contain its persuasive inverse, the cognizant and the oblivious on a similar physic plane 2 The fgure is dealt with not as an individual, not even in the heads here the relationship with likeness is significantly more grounded. Padamsees structures limited by the line and made from an array of strokes on a superficial level are both genuine and extraordinary. His analyses with the Chinese technique for ku fu have additionally loaned his figures a spry beauty. The structures convey an outflow of indescribable bitterness. He additionally fiddled with still-life. The still-life works from the 1950s contain certain weight of surface and convey a feeling of devastation. The main event when he has taken care of pictures of known individuals, was in 1997, with his Gandhi arrangement of deals with paper in atercolour and charcoal. Among a few shows he has had significant reviews in Mumbai and New Delhi in 1980. He has taken an interest in the presentations, Seven Indian Painters, Gallery One, London in 1958lntemational Biennales at Venice; Sao Paulo and Tokyo; Museum of Modem Art, Oxford, 198 1; Royal 2 Geeta Kapur, Six Contemporary Artists, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1978. P 106 A. Padamsee, as advised to Meher PestonJi; Mirror-Images Pundole EXC. 21 Nov-9 Dec 1994 Academy of Arts, Festival of India, London 1982;lndian Artists in France, Paris 1985 among others. In 1967 he was welcomed as Artist-in Residence by the Stout State University, Wisconsin, USA. When asked by a correspondent how the distinctive medias have helped him in his work and his general character, he answers, l have for a long while been itching to learn new things. Through chiseling, I figured out how to deal with dirt and utilize my fingers as much as my eyes. viewpoint. I began photography as I couldnt discover models for works of art at J] School of Art and got hold of an operator who discovered me film additional items. At first, I utilized their photos for drawings however then bit by bit began getting a charge out of photography. I figured out how the human ody could be changed with the manner in which you work with light. Today when I paint a naked, it encourages me take an alternate measurement. 3 REFERENCES 1 . Tuli, Neville. The Flamed-Mosaic: Indian Contemporary Painting. Ahemdabad: HEART in relationship with Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd. , 1997 2. Contemporary Indian Art contemporaryindianart. com/akbar_padamsee. htm 3. Early afternoon Infomedia Limited early afternoon. com/news/2013/feb/170213-akbar-padamsee-craftsman compositions. htm 4. Saffronart. com/craftsmen/a-padamsee 3 Interview by Rinky Kumar for Midday, February 7, 2013
Friday, August 21, 2020
Slavery in Rome and China
1. In old Rome subjugation turned into the fundamental establishment of the economy, and societal position was an approach to have political benefit and was lauded upon in the public arena. However, in old China, they didn’t have the same number of slaves as the Romans, the had a greater amount of workers adding to society by working in fields, working on magnificent bequests, and keeping up trench channels. Chinese slaves likewise had lawful assurances given by contracts indicating and restricting what might be requested of them. The legislature relied more upon an enormous populace of free workers to contribute expenses and administrations to the state as opposed to requesting individuals to do it under an agreement. Slaves weren't as imperative to China as to Rome since they didn't depend on the work of a huge slave populace, they were simply an offered support or somebody to do errands in excess of a genuine slave. The treatment of Chinese slaves was considerably less cruel of the Romans, generally in light of the fact that it was illegal to execute your slave, lords even lost their realms after it was discovered they had killed their slaves. Slaves were for the most part treated unreasonable and gravely from their lord, and were seen as different types of property. They were generally treated like property when they were sold and bought by experts. At the point when they argued or would not work, most slaves were seriously rebuffed, in spite of the fact that it was illicit to murder your slave in China. At the point when they worked they were utilized to cultivate and fix things and with no rest or thankfulness, brutal things that were made for creatures or instruments. In antiquated China the slaves â€Å"humanity†came into account when the Qin government looked to cancel subjection. In any case, the establishment endured into the Han administration and the Qin were ineffective in the abolishment of subjugation, however it demonstrated that the treatment of slaves were vile and how they needed to forbid it. 3. Since slaves were exhausted, and inappropriately treated most slaves attempted some inactive safe strategies that slaves depended on, to rebel against their lord in a peaceful way. Most slaves rationalized not to work, accusing the climate, perhaps different slaves, and possibly the absence of instruments or apparatus for them to utilize. Some even dozed an excessive amount to accuse the absence of rest their getting from workaholic behavior. The slaves didn't generally accomplish anything besides more work that must be finished. On the off chance that it was coming down outside, at that point they needed to work inside, and on the off chance that they whined about it they were rebuffed. Slaves in china brought about insurance by an agreement which made them secured by the administration if experts broke the agreement.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Use Psychology As a Teaching Tool in Your Student Essay
Use Psychology As a Teaching Tool in Your Student EssayFor students with higher reading and writing abilities, you may want to consider topics that will help them with their application essay. You can use psychology as a teaching tool for this purpose. There are many facts about psychology that you can use to provide key insights to your students.First, let's look at how you can illustrate how mind control can affect your students. It is true that there are many people who see the world in black and white. They see the person behind all the events. On the other hand, most people are more interested in learning how they affect others. They do not like to see themselves as being guilty for what others do.To illustrate this, one would have to use the example of a person who saw someone try to grab his arm and pull him toward another person. He immediately called out to the other person to get away from the other person. When the other person did not comply, the first person immediately reported it to the police because he realized that the person was right to report it.The person was indeed concerned about getting the victim away from him so that he would not get hurt. However, the person could not see the situation from the perspective of the victim. He had to first admit that he needed help.This would be the result of a natural reaction. A person will always be attracted to help others, even if they cannot see the situation clearly. However, if the person is afraid of this feeling, then he will find excuses to hide it.Another example of how a person might act is how he tries to convince a crowd to do something in order to make sure that he does not have to pay any attention to it. This is because he knows that he has the power to influence people's actions if he convinces them to do something. To make sure that he can fully use this power, he can use psychology as a teaching tool.As previously stated, the process of learning about psychology will only allow stud ents to understand more about psychological aspects. This will also help them understand how their actions may affect other people. This will also enable them to get more confident when they get into situations where their choices and actions will have consequences.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Code Of Ethics For Nurses - 1082 Words
Introduction The code of ethics for nurses provides a framework on ethical principles that nurses are supposed to follow while providing patient care. Under this code, nurses are not allowed to pry into information on patients not directly under their care, and they could not share any patient information to individuals who are not privileged to know such information. (American Nurses Association, 2015). Ethical issues related to electronic health records (EHRs) are extremely beneficial to clinicians, patients and an organization. This is because it not only increases access to health care, but it does reduce costs, improves the quality of health and care provided. The EHR is accurate to an extent, however its positive effects on productivity, should not underestimate the negative effects that ensues from using EMR. There are some Electronic health records that create conflict among several ethical principles. (American Nurses Association, 2015). Legal, Financial, and Ethical issues of meaningful use. Both Information Technology vendors and health care providers should think about possibilities of legal issues before beginning any engagement with the electronic health record systems. EHR technologies is faced with addressing health record access and ownership. Initially, health care providers had exclusive rights on patient s paper medical record; this is not however true right now. This is because State and Federal regulations have granted patients enormousShow MoreRelatedCode Of Ethics For Nurses1274 Words  | 6 PagesCode of Ethics for Nurses In the nursing profession, nurses often find ethical reasoning that not only evaluates actions and their results, but also questions why we perceive certain incidences to be paramount for us as humans. Ethics attempts to decide how actions are deemed right or wrong. The Code of ethics, which is a set of guidelines published by the International Council of Nurses, helps direct nurses in everyday decisions and it defends their refusal to take part in events that disagree withRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics For Nurses1110 Words  | 5 Pagesethical principles. The duties of a nurse consist of care and support and its important that nurses are aware of their professional ethics. These principles are put into place to uphold and maintain moral values in healthcare. The American Nurses Association (ANA) code of ethics for nurses consists of nine provisions, outlined in the Code of Ethics for nurses with Interpretive Statements. These provisions are constructed to blueprint the role and resp onsibilities of a nurse. The chosen provisions beingRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics For Nurses Essay1667 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Code of Ethics for Nurses Ethical moral values are the fabric of human behavior. Nursing values influence nurses actions and goals. The nursing code of ethics was adopted in order to determine and define ethical values for nurses. Human dignity, privacy, justice, autonomy in decision making, commitment, loyalty, human relationship, compassion, fairness, responsibility, honesty and individual and professional competence are considered an integral part of the nursing profession. Nurses as membersRead MoreCode Of Ethics For Nurses1614 Words  | 7 PagesCode of Ethics for Nurses The American Nurses Association (ANA) established the code of ethics for nurses to serve as a foundation for practice and nursing standards. Nurses that enter the field are educated on the code of ethics and its provisions that make up the balanced foundation that is used to this day. The code of ethics is to be honored by every nurse, and every nurse should know their ethical obligation to their patients (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2015). This approach encompassesRead MoreCode Of Ethics For Nurses1114 Words  | 5 Pages Professional Code of Conduct Fadrique R. Charlot Nova Southeastern University Professional Code of Conduct Health professionals hold the commitment of providing quality health care to the society in order to fulfil the health concerns of the general population presented daily. Hence, health care practices are established on ethical principles concerning the life and health of human being accordingly. Its values place all obligation in which patients are protected from harm andRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics For Nurses Essay1163 Words  | 5 Pagesconditions. These studies press the question of when it is acceptable for researchers to study rather than assist individuals. It is stated that the second provision of the code of ethics for nurses that the â€Å"nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, community, or population†(American Nurses Association, 2001, p. 10). This is likewise supported by Fouka and Mantzorou (2011) when they emphasized that it is the nature of nursing to take care and to prevent harmRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics For Nurses854 Words  | 4 PagesTruth-telling is an important issue within the nurse-patient relationship. Nurses make decisions on a daily basis regarding what information to tell patients. The specific issue in question is whether a nurse should abide by the Code of Ethics for Nurses by revealing the truth to the patient or refrain from telling the truth to the patient because they are respecting the wishes of the patient’s family. Nurses and health care professionals should always tell the truth to their patients unless theRead MoreCode Of Ethics For N urses1331 Words  | 6 PagesCode of Ethics for Nurses 1. Introduction- Explain your knowledge of this business profession. Why did I choose nursing? At the age of 43 I am back in school to further my education in the health field in nursing. Am I doing it to make a difference in the world or as a longstanding career? To be a nurse, it takes a special type of person that has extraordinary personal qualities and traits. A good nurse should have compassion, respect, and the need and want to help others. Therefore be sensitiveRead MoreThe Nurse s Code Of Ethics1022 Words  | 5 Pageshas a code of ethics, that sets standards and guidelines that are set in place to protect both the professional and the client. Ethics play a key role in day to day business. This paper will discuss the nurse’s code of ethics, the advantages and disadvantages, and difficulties that the author may have following the established code. This paper will also discuss whether or not there are rules that have too much emphasis on them, and rules that do not. The nurse’s code of ethics was draftedRead MoreCode of Ethics for Nurses Essay1605 Words  | 7 PagesRunning head: SYSTEM OF INQUIRY PAPER System of Inquiry Paper Wendell A. Garcia University of Phoenix March 18, 2008 American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics for Nurses Ethics is an integral part of the foundation of nursing. Nursing has a distinguished history of concern for the welfare of the sick, injured, and vulnerable and for social justice. This concern is embodied in the provision of nursing care to individuals and the community. Nursing encompasses the prevention of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
General Mills It - 3528 Words
Corporate Information Technology Assessment of General Mills MGT 6530-Managerial Application of Technology The College of Saint Scholastica Executive Summary General Mills is one of the largest food companies in the world, and uses an extensive array of information technology (IT) to support its day-to-day operations. This paper focuses on three primary IT areas within General Mills: supply chain, data retention and marketing. Specific technologies reviewed for this assessment include an extended Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, data back-up system, and mobile marketing. According to Vandy Johnson, director of Information Systems (IS) operations at General Mills, â€Å"our philosophy at General Mills is to have one†¦show more content†¦Information Technologies in Use While there are a multitude of IT applications in use at General Mills, this paper will focus on three primary areas: supply chain, data retention and marketing. This will provide a view into how General Mills uses technology to manage their diverse and global supply chain, maintain the integrity of their data and implement successful marketing campaigns. IT plays a critical role in General Mills’ ongoing success. E-source, an ERP System ERP is a major IT used by General Mills, and is instrumental in integrating information and data into a central source. From financing to supply chain to marketing, ERPs provide a platform for automating multiple applications. General Mills has implemented an extended ERP (Turbin amp; Volonino, 2010) which allows for supply chain management resources to be shared with business partners. General Mills’ solution, called E-source, is developed by SAP and is a Web-based application that extends the supply chain to external stakeholders (â€Å"Esource†, n.d.). SAP is a manufacturer of enterprise application software that creates ERPs for supply chain, human resources and finance, among other business areas. E-source supports three different sourcing implementations: supplier registration, projects, and request for proposals. Under supplier registration, suppliers create a profile that identifies their goods or services that may be important, and answers six questions tha t helpShow MoreRelatedGeneral Mills826 Words  | 4 Pagesorganization founded in 1856 by Illinois Congressman Robert Smith which leased power rights to mills operating along Saint Anthony Falls on the Mississippi River. Cadwallader C. Washburn acquired the company shortly after its founding and hired his brother, William D. Washburn to assist in the companys development. In 1866, the Washburns got into the business themselves, building the Washburn B Mill at the falls. At the time, the building was considered to be so large and output so vast that itRead MoreGeneral Mills : An Organization2086 Words  | 9 PagesGeneral Mills is one of the major producers in consumer foods and it started off in 1866 with two flour mills (General Mills). In 1928 the company merged several smaller milling companies together to create packaged food and began to form the company that it is today (General Mills, Inc.). General Mills has not shied away from selling, acquiring and establishing new brands to stay competitive in the global markets (*). In the past, General Mills has tried selling not just food but toys, jewelryRead MoreGeneral Mills ( Gm )2723 Words  | 11 PagesIntroduction: General Mills †¢ Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, General Mills (GM) is global manufacturer and marketer of branded consumer foods sold through retail stores †¢ Operates through 3 major segments: US Retail (59% of FY2014 net sales), International (30%) and Convenience Stores and Foodservice (11%) †¢ Manufactures its products in 16 countries and markets them in over 100 countries. †¢ Derives majority of its revenues from the US (66% in FY2014) †¢ Brands: In the US, General Mills has aRead MoreGeneral Mills: a History of Responsibility1083 Words  | 5 PagesGeneral Mills: A History Of Responsibility Officially taking the name in 1928, General Mills has become one of the largest food companies in the world. They own brands like Cheerios, Pillsbury, Yoplait, Green Giant, Betty Crocker, Old El Paso, Totino’s and Progresso. Since the creation of their corporation, General Mills have established themselves as a company that flourishes by being socially and economically responsible. Their mission is to lead by example, and by doing so hope to promoteRead MoreA Cost Analysis of General Mills1973 Words  | 8 PagesGENERAL MILLS, INCORPORATED A Cost Accounting Analysis COMPANY BACKGROUND General Mills (GSI) is the sixth largest food company in the world. The company currently operates in more than 100 foreign countries and employs over 35,000 people. . GSI manufactures and markets branded consumer foods worldwide and supplies branded and unbranded food products to the foodservice and commercial baking industries. The company manufactures cereals, yogurt, ready-to-serve soup, dry dinners, frozen vegetablesRead MoreGeneral Mills BCG Matrix Essay1214 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿BCG Matrix Analysis on General Mills Canada General Mills is a company that has many brands in the food industry, however, they are more famously known for their individual brands. Their primary brands include Cheerios, Nature Valley, Pillsbury, Green Giant, Old El Paso, Hamburger Helper, Betty Crocker and Yoplait (General Mills Canada). When these brands are organized into different categories, General Mills’ product mix is the result. Taken right from General Mills Canada website and how theyRead MoreGeneral Mills Inc. Executive Summary1129 Words  | 5 Pages| General Mills Inc. | Executive Summary | | Xiao(Cynthia) Chen | 2012/4/24 | | Executive Overview General Mills (NYSE:GIS), our company, is a global consumer foods company. We develop distinctive value-added food products and market with our unique brand names. We work continuously to improve our established products and to create new products that meet our customers’ potential needs and preferences. Our company has $14.88 billion in sales last year. Our sales has grown substantiallyRead MoreGeneral Mills Inc.: Where We Are Now Essay2804 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction and Where We Are Now General Mills, Inc (GMI). produces and markets branded consumer foods globally. They also supply branded and unbranded food products to the foodservice and commercial banking industries. It offers ready-to-eat cereals, refrigerated yogurt, ready-to-serve soups, dry dinners, shelf stable and frozen vegetables, refrigerated and frozen dough products, dessert and baking mixes, frozen pizza and pizza snacks, grains, and fruit and savory snacks; a range of organic productsRead MoreGeneral Mills Analysis1563 Words  | 7 PagesFinancial Analysis: General Mills Inc. The following financial analysis is primarily focusing on the performance of General Mills Inc for the year 2010 when compared to 2009, but a historic trend of the past 5 financial years is also being taken into account. Balance Sheet Analysis: The Current Assets for GIS decreased for FY10 by nearly 2% compared to FY09, primarily due to a decline in quick assets, namely cash and cash equivalents. The company experienced a terrific growth period in FY08 whenRead MoreGeneral Mills Essay1872 Words  | 8 Pagesa) General Mills is a leading producer of packaged consumer foods. According to the financial statements, General Mills makes most of the money from sales. They have 3 segments: US Retail, International and Bakeries and Food Services. b) 1) The following are the financial statements that are commonly prepared for external reporting purposes: * Balance Sheet * Income Statement * Statement of cash flows * Statement of Stockholder’s equity 2) General Mills gives
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Jet Blue Case free essay sample
Demands: * Legroom and flatter recline position * Dunkin Donuts coffee * Leather sits * LCD entertainment system * Latest movies and favorite TV show for just $6 dollars. * A terminal with excellent restaurants and stores * Children’s play zone. * Work place. Jet Blue has demonstrated that they are very focus in every costumers needs, wants and demands. Doing all of those practices they are very happy because they have got loyal costumers that even with the Valentine’s Day nightmare, still there. I think that customer’s loyalty have been the best implication that Jet blue has received, due to all their focusing in customer satisfaction, without this Jet Blue may not be alive nowadays. 2. Describe in detail all the facets of JetBlue’s product. What is being exchanged in a JetBlue transaction? Jet Blue airline start as a very small company, but with a clear and firm strategy to follow and we could see that in their slogan â€Å"Delighting costumers through happy jetting†which show us that for them everything is about make costumers satisfaction. 2. Describe in detail all the facets of JetBlue’s product. What is being exchanged in a JetBlue transaction? Jet Blue airline start as a very small company, but with a clear and firm strategy to follow and we could see that in their slogan â€Å"Delighting costumers through happy jetting†which show us that for them everything is about make costumers satisfaction. They implement a lot of things that others airlines does not have, such as: They implement a 3 inches more in every sit, so now people are able to stretch and cross their legs. Also for they more exigent costumers they have implemented a legroom. They offer variety of beverages and snacks all free. For their entertainment they have LCD entertainment system in very seat, that has a variety of channels by Direct TV and also for just 6 dollars they could watch movies or their favorite TV show. They Terminal has comfort lounge area, restaurants, stores, children’s play zone free WI- FI. I think in a Jet Blue Strategy they have exchange all of these amenities just for the fact of retained customers and grow their businesses, because at the end of the day as soon you keep costumers happy they will be loyal to the company and of course the company will make profits. Jet Blue is company which has 1. 1 million of followers on twitter that show us that Jet blue is doing an excellent job and giving feedback to their customers. 3. Which of the five marketing management concepts best applies to JetBlue? I think in certain point the 5 five apply, but the one that I consider best applies to Jet Blue is Customer Value Satisfaction, because I imagine that when they start people have low expectations about it, due to they are a new company in the market, and most new companies are more likely to make mistakes at the beginning, for this reason I think Jet Blue knew how to handle of that and do excellent job, where costumer where satisfied and exceeded expectations. . What value does JetBlue create for its customers? Jet Blue is a company that is always giving a added value in everything they do, as an example I could say people would like to have comfortable seats but they give them a comfortable leather seat, also with the option of a legroom just for a few more dollars, another one could be people want a comfortable terminal, so Jet Blue give them a comfortable terminal but also free Wi Fi. People like the staff to be friendly and the staff is friendly and also say jokes, I mean Jet Blue is a company that in everything they do, try to always give the extra mile. They are compromise with their customers. Another example could be, they have twitter account where they receive advices from their customers and employees and Jet Blue is aware of every advice and complain, that’s another added value. 5. Is JetBlue likely to continue being successful in building ? customer relationships? Why or why not? Yes I think Jet Blue is a company that seems likely to continuous being successful, because they have put all efforts on customer satisfaction, but also in their employee’s commodity, they offer part time jobs and also you could work at home. I really believe that when the employee is happy with the job the customer will receive an A list treatment. I consider that if Jet blue continuous doing their job in the way they are doing it, they will stay in the market for a long time. Introduction Sometimes Company just focuses on making profits but they avoid the fact that in order to make profit you must have a strategy to follow. That is why some company never became successful, they have no strategy, they just a series of objectives and goals but they don’t know the way of how to accomplish those objectives. They lack of strategy is what it drive those companies to failure. Jet Blue Airline is a company that seems to have a very strong strategy implemented, and it just doing well even the Valentine’s Day mishap they had in 2007. Conclusion After I’ve read the Jet Blue case, I could conclude the following points: Every company should has a strategy in order to be successful. * Customer focus is the key for every business. * Always give costumer an add value in everything you do, because the customer will notice and a single detail could make you different and protrude within other competitors. * Keep your employees happy and pleased with their job, beca use they will represent your company. * The 5 marketing concepts could help any company to return to market. References * Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong Principles of Marketing 14th Edition
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